Saturday, January 26, 2013

Honduras Palisander

My niece and her loverboy gave me some nice wood for christmas... a type that I never used before.

Honduras Palisander, stored and dried for over 25 years, meant for musical instruments (flutes).

See it on the vendor page

The wood is incredibly hard, I had to buy a new band saw blade before I could start...

I wanted a slingshot that can stand upright (inspired by Zwillie's avatar beauty). So I added a "foot" to the proven Moorhammer handle. A bit thicker and more round than usual - I like experiments.

The wood polished well. In normal light, it looks even darker! The rest of the wooden block can be seen in the pics, too.


  1. Beautiful, I love the deepness of the wood, it suits the polished metal of the Panther perfectly. Once again, amazing work! Thank you so much for the effort you continue to put into your work.

  2. Very Nice!! I get a big kick out of seeing your ingenuity in designing and producing so many unique and wild mechanisms. A big plus is seeing your obvious enthusiasm that you show in your videos.
    You may already be aware, but a word of warning about some of the beautiful exotic woods from around the world. I also enjoy building things from these woods but have had some bad allergic reactions from exposure to sanding dust while working with some of the exotics.
    Some actually cause similar symptoms to poison ivy like we have in the U.S.
    A link:

    Thanks for sharing your works
