Monday, October 24, 2011

Tamed: Buttless starship on a leash

The buttless starship may be legal in Germany, but it is a bitch when it comes to controllability. It "wants" to turn upwards, and even with light bands is hard to shoot it.

Then came the rope idea. Attached to the front, and beeing trod on, you have total control. There is even less shaking than on freehand shooting!

I have attached two layers of TB Gold, cut 45cm x2,8 cx 1,8cm, with 12 kg (26.4lbs) draw. Easy to control!

I encourage even the wrist brace starship shooters to try this simple mod. I think it may be good for control = accuracy. As you can see, it is easy to change your aim simply by moving your body a bit. No resetting of the foot is needed.


  1. Awesome!!! I'm glad this works out so well!

  2. If shoulder supported rubber weapons are legally allowed, then why not an underarm support for this with a pistol grip? It would not be a wrist support per se.

  3. eh, underarm supported at the arm pit instead of the forearm or triceps muscles....

  4. Tosh Togo, the law says that "arm braces and comparable items" are illegal. I think anything that is connected to your arm in any way and stabilizes the frame falls under that category. A length of rope that does not even touch your arm, I don't think so. But I believe that the rope trick works even better than an arm brace. A combination of both would bring total stability.

  5. Those pictures gave me an idea, how about making a video where you take us in a tour through your workshop & "shooting range"?

  6. Oh no, then I would have to clean up first...

  7. die idee mit dem Seil ist echt der Abschuss :-) aber wehe es rutscht dir unterm schuh vor... aua!

  8. Tobias, ich habe einen Knoten reingeknüpft, ist schon recht sicher. Aber vielleicht ist eine Fuß-Schlaufe noch sicherer.

  9. LOL, trust a law to spoil the fun. I wondered why my simple solution had not been thought of by your ingenuity and now I know. Double darn!
    Your answer is best.

  10. Just read your short story and really liked it. You should do more of them. Perhaps a continuation of the adventures of the village. Who knows; it could possibly work out as a TV story, but if nothing else, your stories are very entertaining.
    FYI, saltpeter was extracted from urine of both humans and animals in the early days.

  11. Yes, I know the saltpeter process, at least in theory. But not many others do, and in an isolated village, it is likely that the knowledge gets lost. Also, remember the loud bang of a gun would attract your enemies, both the living and the dead.

    And yes, I may write some more episodes eventually. Maybe Dornbuk's first kill?

  12. Wow, the draw length is insane with that setup. I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of speeds you can get with it.

  13. hallo Jörg sag mal ist der griff rund oder oder ist er oval oder rechteckig mit gebrochenen Kanten. Der Runde verdreht sich in der Hand. Beim Rechteckigen mit gebr. Kanten lässt sich mit der Handkraft dem verdrehen entgegenwirken und zusammen mit dem Unterarm Riemen kannst du Unterarm ein wenig entlasten.

  14. Hally, der Griff ist rund... aber dank dem Seil wird ÜBERHAUPT KEINE Kraft auf das Handgelenk ausgeübt. Der Ellenbogen ist das einzige Gelenk, welches belastet wird, und das ist stark.

  15. this could probably just as easily be applied to a belt so you could walk around freely with it. cool.

  16. looks like it can shoot pretty fast...can't wait to see it in action...:)
