Sunday, September 18, 2011

More fun with the slingshot cannon

I left the cannon at Tobias's farm, as I don't really have enough place for it at home.

The boys sorted out the small issues we ran into at the first shooting, and gave the little French car its final bombardment! Looks like they had a ton of fun.

Great video editing, too!


  1. don't want to get in trouble with you ;-)

  2. Verdammte Scheiße hätte nich gedacht das die Schleuder so übel ist, Respekt!

  3. Looks like fun! Are you having a drawing this week!?

  4. Poor car :-D This thing looks and shoots like a medieval catapult, which could destroy the walls of castles! Isn't it illegal here in germany to build such a nice monster "slingshot". I mean if they want they could do very much damage with it. Did you registered this thing at the local police center or something like that?

  5. I think you can set a world record on how accurate and quickly you can destroy a car, incredible power!

  6. @Destructor129: It's ridiculous. Such a slingshot is not illegal, but a "normal" slingshot with less firepower is illegal as soon as it has an armrest. The law cares little about the harm that can be done with a weapon.

  7. Well, the anti arm brace law was imposed to prevent demonstrants from bringing power slingshots concealed to demonstrations...

    Imagine trying to bring THISN slingshot to a demo. :)

  8. i want one soooooo bad i think im going to try to make a little smaller one but im not quite sure yet

  9. @BavarianBarbarian Thanks for the answer. I was wondering about that all the time :-)

  10. just applying for the draw again. btw do you know a non internet way to get theraband.?

  11. ka-boom! do you think that it would rip the tires off the rims?

  12. Hi Jörg, thanks for posting the vid on your Blog!!

    @Destructor129 if some one throw this boule ball from a highway bridge will be much more problem...
    my car drive faster than the cannon shot this ball!

  13. the weels give it an awesome old canon look :)

  14. I watched this video earlier and enjoyed the fun the guys were having. Neat to see them continuing to bombard the poor car. It will soon be just a pile of rubbish at the rate they are going. :)

  15. Joerg, nice video BUT these guys broke the first rule you taught glasses. I wanted to tell you that you are right about all the materials you suggest that we use. The cutter, the Thera band, the shoe leather...all the correct materials for building the sling shot the right way from the start. I wish you could provide more PDF files with these slingshots. It would be helpful. As a senior, I am looking for compact self defense concealable weapons.
    Thank you for your instruction..Jim K (rev shnoor)

  16. Jörg, I've got a new challenge for you:
    2 Steelballs
    weight (each): 7.5 kg
    diameter: 17.5 cm

    The balls are hollow, inner volume 1500 ccm.
    Filled up with lead would raise up the weight to a max of 24.5 kg.

    You can shot them single or chained together as a bola.


    (Wrote you a pm via WO also)


  17. nice blog and I would love to win the panther slingshot to have the chance to modify it. Keep Up :D

    Axel from Montreal

  18. If I can imagine, the mechanism in that cannon along with a lot of your crossbows, won't it wear out over a long period of time? Well, whatever that cannon is spectacular, I hope someday to create something that can compare to it.

  19. I really like your siege engine. The video editing was great. I built an 700lb trebuche but you could not shoot any thing very close. It would throw a 4lb. ball over three hundred meters. It would throw them farther but I was afraid to try. To many houses. I made concrete balls. They would explode if you hit something solid but otherwise could be reused until you lost them in the woods. Rock on! Kyle

  20. Looks like they are pin pointing the hits very well.

  21. What A Beast! Launch Coconuts out of it...!!!
