Saturday, September 24, 2011

Natural Dogwood Howitzer: Done.

Finished it yesterday, came out very good. It is amazing how strong that dogwood is. Even the hooks ("triggers") are solid, solid, solid.

BTW, this was the fork I made it from:

Also, I bought two more breakfast boards made from olive wood. Should be enough for at least four shooters. I love the grain, the smell and the texture of that wood. 


  1. that's an amazing piece of work, love it

  2. Very nice shape. Quite Venusian. I've not heard of "breakfast board," but I like the Idea. The olive wood looks nice.

  3. Wow, very impressing! It must have taken a long time to make this slingshot from that big fork. But it looks beautiful. I also like the idea of using breakfast boards :)

  4. beautiful as always, nice work

  5. BTW How many slingshots have you already in your collection?

  6. What are 'breakfast boards' and how did you get your camera to elongate the handles in one photo? It's obvious by the background that the photo is elongated up and down in two photos and gives an unususal appearance to the forks and your pliers. The forks are very well done and impressive in appearance. That had to be a lot of rasping and filing even after cutting out the rough shape.

  7. Beautiful work, they almost are too pretty to use but the fun to be had with them is too much to resist. Keep up the awesome work. You are the new age "Dennis the Menace".

  8. I think I found a bug in blogger, replaced the pics with correct ones. Sorry for that.

  9. wow that is amazing that you can carve a large piece of wood like that and get a beautyful result from it

  10. OMG that is amazing! and i can't wait to see what the olive wood becomes! it's Sure to be gorgeous!

  11. @Jörg
    Very nice piece of art!!
    P.S:How much you've paid for the breakfast boards and where dou you get them?

  12. How do you come across such beautiful woods? I'm excited to see more :D

  13. incredible
    dang the dogwood ones arw really something
    im jealous!
