Saturday, September 10, 2011

OK, Assault Sling-X-Bow instead of Angry Birds

The Piggies didn't arrive... and the cold is bad.

Will try to make the how-to about the assault slingshot crossbow this weekend, but the work is going slow due to the nasty cold.

I will shape the weapon much after the Steyr AUG 77, one of my favorite designs. Just over 60 cm total length (24"), very very compact but powerful, due to the rollers and the bullpup design. Every inch of the weapon will be used for the acceleration of the ball.

I think there will be a time before and after the release of this how-to... finally, a short, powerful and accurate sling-x-bow that everybody can make at home, with very few common tools and a bit of plywood.

Stay tuned!


  1. sounds cool :)

    hey, a cold isn´t that bad if you can shoot those used and heavy hankys out of your window :P

  2. Thank you for this kind of videos. The idea looks promising.

  3. A Steyr AUG 77 slingshot? Nice idea.

  4. Can't wait to see this. I love the Steyr AUG's! Get well soon :)

  5. i want to win a cougar slingshot

  6. No one cares NRXTM! I hope you feel better man! I'm looking forward to this video!

  7. YES! can you make it with a draw weight of 125!?

  8. I know what I'll be making next weekend!

  9. AUGs are awesome and only 2 feet! good luck man feel better!

  10. Sounds like a good deal I just watched your how to make a W earlier!

  11. Can you make it strong enough for 130 lbs of draw?

  12. I have an idea for you, during the Rugby World Cup you could do a slingshot to launch a rugby ball to kick on the field.

  13. only 2 feet? I hope you have a lot of acceleration! I know you wont disappoint!

  14. I'm excited, I love your tutorials!

  15. great idea, Jorg! i love your tutorials. made most of what you showed us but failed in all of them. lol

  16. Sounds like an awesome plan! I liked your last crossbow!

  17. I guess this is in preparation for the da vinci!

  18. Is this where we can win a slingshot?

  19. Are crossbows going to be your next big thing? If so that's awesome!

  20. Can't wait for your interpretation of a an AUG slingshot Crossbow!

  21. id love to win a panter sling shot i love your videos

  22. Hope your well enough for the video!

  23. I have common tools and plywood! I needed a project!

  24. I hope I can make this one! I can't wait for angry birds either!

  25. YAY! another sling x-bow can't wait

  26. Using rollers and bullpup design will be a rather interesting design. I wonder how much power can be had from a design like this.

  27. I plan on getting good use out of this tutorial!

  28. I can use a new crossbow! looking forward to the video!

  29. A couple hours from the next drawing! almost as exciting as hours away from the next video!

  30. I love the Steyr AUG. Very futuristic looking. Should be a great project.

  31. Jorg, I have seen post saying something about forums. But I also remember the video saying you left the forums, are you starting your own forums or something? Just wondering.

    @ slingshot
    It is exciting is it not. Can't wait for either I would be crazy happy if I won, and then I enjoy all the videos and have even got my cousin into them now :)

  32. Yes, I want to start an own forum, but it will be focussed around my line of work mostly. But it may take a while, remember this is just my hobby and the fall/winter is a busy time in my job. So I have to balance my free time carefully.

  33. Jorg what are you doing up its 5am there, lol I thought your sick! I hope you feel better.

    Do you mind explaining more of what your line of work is?

  34. Understandable, work before play sadly. I have been keeping an eye out for some wood to make my first slingshot out of. Hoping soon to grab some new tubes for my wristrocket just need the extra cash.

  35. Gotta love the Steyr AUG. Great futuristic looking design.

  36. I'm excited to see this love the compound slingshot concept!

  37. It will look cool to see one modeled after the Steyr AUG 77. I always thought that gun is very interesting looking especially how the magazine is located behind the trigger handle!

  38. Drink lots of tea made from fresh cut ginger. I use it whenever I get sick. Maybe it will help you to.

  39. Hell yeah, a x-sling with rollers after long, loooong time!! It's gonna be nasty little headbreaker, i can feel it >D
    Can you tell me which tubular rubber has best strenght / long lifeness -check that word:)- ratio? Gonna put somethin rugged on that slingshot you are willing to send me :D

    P.S. Try some homegrown horseradish, with garlic and little bit of lemon juice to fight that cold..

    All the best!!

  40. I am an early riser, don't need much sleep. 4 to 5 hours is great.

    I am a manager in consumer electronics, we do Linux based turnkey video editing systems and entertainment centers. Like a European equivalent of a Tivo, but "on steroids".

    The Steyr AUG has the magazine behind the handle because it is a bullpup, the barrel is far longer than it seems.

    Tubular rubber lasts a long time in general, the attachment is the critical issue. But as long as you never stretch it beyone 400%, it will last a looong time. Performance isn't great, especially not with lightweight ammo.

  41. sweeeeeet, that will be a nasty little creature...

  42. Looking forward to that how to, but first make sure you get well !! We can wait for a week or more :)

    All the best.

  43. "Performance isn't great, especially not with lightweight ammo."

    I still don´t get the relation between amoweight and power.

    As i think the rubber always has the same amount of power. Those power that you put into it with your arm...
    so if you exelerate something with it, that power should be transferred (and of course something is lost due to aerodynamica, warmth etc)
    so a lighter part should fly faster and further in my opinion.

    in contradiction to that i saw the videos of gamekeeper john, he tested different types of ammo on a chicken. before that he shot them over the chrony and as i expected the 9mm stell was far far faster then the 15mm lead.
    the odd thing was, that the 15mm lead easily penetrated the chicken and came out on the other side. the 9mm stell (which i expected due to it´s smallness could enter the body more easily) got stuck in the middle.
    i understand that a lighter ammo can´t carry the energy of a heavier ammo when flying with the same speed, but the lighter ammo was faster, so the energy should be the same...

    totally confused :(

  44. Will there be a slingshot drawing today?

  45. Looking forward to it! Good luck on it!

  46. @ Јузер Нејм
    The Thera-Band Silver is the strongest tubing, and Thera-Band Gold for the strongest bands.

    @ antraxx
    Heavier ammo is more stable then light weight ammo it becomes unstable in flight in distance shooting so being lighter the wind will effect it more due to its weight. This is a very well proven fact with airguns, I shoot a 4.0 grain at around 1300-1400fps yea its fast but the accuracy is very very bad, and then I take the same gun and shoot a 9.8 grain and it shoots at around I would guess 750-850fps and hits dead on at say 20 yards or more. As for the 15mm vs 9mm story, heres something that might help. Energy( ft-lb ) = Weight( grains ) times Velocity( fps ) Squared divided by 450395

    A 100 grain bullet traveling at 350fps has 27.2 ft-lbs energy now if you take a 200 grain and move it at 350fps it will have 54.4 ft-lbs energy. 200 grains at 275fps = 33.6 ft-lbs. Really you would need to know the weights and velocity in fps, to calculate and see if the 15mm ball was packing more energy. Oh and doing some research while I typed this I came across this:

    take a look at the .375 H&H. The 300 grain one shot faster and has more ft-lbs of energy, while the 325 grain shot slower and less energy but more penetration. Hope some of this helps, this is to much to be thinking about when I first wake up lol.

  47. antraxx, in my opinion,the element you are forgetting is momentum. The same reason a powerful bullet such as the .50 cal still has huge energy at 1K meters. If the same amount of powder was used on a .22, it would not do much damage at that range even though it would travel much faster (ie: 5.56mm M-16) If anyone thinks differently, please post your views and discuss this so we can all learn. I would like to learn as much as I can, myself. :)

  48. Sounds cool.
    I will prepare my tools!

  49. it helped a bit. the wind reduces the speed of the light ball, i agree with that.

    but i don´t think we can start comparing with guns and poweder. thats a different game imo.

    i personally think atm, that the rubber is the limit. because it can´t preoduce more then speed x.
    so a bullet that weights only half has to fly 4 times faster (i think it´s ²) to deliver the same energy. but i think the rubber can´t deliver the 4x speed because it shriks slower.

  50. Hi Jorg! Will there be a slingshot drawing today?

  51. jörg that everybody can make at home, with very few common tools and a bit of plywood.
    I think,it's tool-time then!!!!

  52. Josef, greetings! I hope you are well. So far I have 3 projects under way making! Three pillars of distraction, pirate and stick shot. The hardest thing to comprehend is to determine the correct thera band length for the size of the slingshot. I am working off visual pictures you provide in your videos. BTW, in the USA we use inches instead of centimeters. You are providing education in several areas: math, construction, and protection to name a few. Looking forward to the new slingshot I can build at home....
    Take care...Jim K. (rev.Shnorr). Still don't know how to use this thing but I would really love to have any of the slingshots you created.

  53. To get momentum the formula for that is:

    momentum = kg(mass) x m/s(velocity)

  54. what is a good way to figure out band length for my arm length

  55. anthraxx, what you posted makes sense. The comparison I used is valid however, as I used different bullet weights and only used gunpowder as the propelling force. Of course, there is a major difference in the energy of rubber and gunpowder, but gunpowder was used in my example as simply the propellant.
    Since rubber loses elasticity (shrinking power or rebounding to it's normal state) in colder weather and therefore loses considerable 'power', I think your explanation is close to the mark.
    Thank you also RobertP for the formula. I did not know it.

  56. RobertP, good morning! What a great way to start the day with such a brainteasing concept. And thank you for the info. I'm willing to think that any mental exercise performed during the day afterwards for you would be as easy as pie due to the exercise. Who was it who said, "What doesn't kill me, just makes me stronger"?

  57. could you make a grape shot slingshot. or shoot 2 balls that are attached and swing in the air. or also make a people slingshot into a lake or or a cat toy slingshot that yourcats chase or a cool quick draw rifle slingshot or maybe a glow in the dark one or one that shoots condiments for food or one that shoots something thatl explode or maybe make one out of an obscure material like a lot of pencils or one that shoots pretzels and is made of pretzels or make one in the shape of your face and the ball shoots out your mouth or one that light on fire or shoot a piano and make a song or make one from a guitar make the one from legend of zelda ocarina of time or an old nintendo or shoot apple through sveral hoops like in the illiad or make one out of bone not people bone though like the horn ones you made. or write slingshot chanel with holes in drywall or make one from drywall or make pokeball ammo or a sword slinshot or one made from a sword or that looks like a sword. make one out of ice than shoot it real fast before it melts or make a snowman and slingshot him or maake a lot of snowmen or a frisbee slingshot that would be fun espescially for a dog or an optical illusion slingshot what about a a slinghsot that doesnt look like a slingshot so like a covert slingshot disguised and like a cigar or summit or maybe a harry potter themed slingshot or a ruhde goldberg slingshot or a starwars themed episode or death star ammo or a gravy shooting slingshot or make one out of prescious metal or do a charity auction with a few slings well thats all i can think of now, ill tell everybody if i think of anymore

  58. i think your slingshot are really cool and you should keep making them.

  59. Cant wait to see more tutorials for your slingshots :)

  60. I am very curious about this "Assault Sling-X-Bow". It will be pretty cool I guess. Get well soon!

  61. Yes! AUG's are the coolest looking assault rifles ever!
