Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It is alive!

Yes, despite the sweltering heat, I did my dues and have done the first test shots today. The winch assembly is finished, and very solid (have to cut off the excess steel tube and bolts). I tested the mechanism by pulling back (against the lock) on the crank handle with all my strength, it holds.

No carriage still, so I can not cock it more than 85% (the sled hits the stands at that point). And I "only" used two layers of full with TB Gold per side, one fifth of what I am hoping to do in the end. 

It shoots!  And it exceeds my wildest dreams.

Sorry, no impact pics yet because I don't want to spoil the tension, but this thing is ab-so-lute-ly awesome. I rarely say that about my own stuff, but in this case there is just no way I can downplay the awesomeness.

Tomorrow, the carriage assembly and some minor optmizations. Stay tuned. 


  1. Hello Jörg

    The pouch looks very stretched.
    And it's a fifth of the drawforce that it gets.
    I hope the leather don't rips.

  2. I think we can all agree there is no way to downplay the awesomeness. You have proven yourself in the past and we expect no less from you now. Oh man, this is going to be fantastic! It is hard to concentrate on other things when this is looming on the horizon in my mind. Joerg, you are doing an ab-so-lute-ly grand first-rate job of it! Good on you! :)

  3. If only i lived in Europe I'd give you my car to shoot at. can't wait for the video

  4. I cant wait to see this in action!!!

  5. You should have made a Event out of the shooting with plenty of slingshot enthusiasts from germany. I would've come! It looks so scary!

  6. WHOA I wanna see that big mamajama shoot o.O I don't think you can fire it in your backyard to much power LOL

  7. wow ready to shoot! unbelievable!
    the winch looks real solid!

  8. supercalafragilistic

  9. Were exited to see that thing shoot

    But remember joerg be carefull and dont let your self get hurt just like what happened with the machete

  10. awesome, that looks like a complete beast, cant wait to see it shoot

  11. hell nice! want to see it shoot! o.o musst be damn lethal

  12. Oh man. This is going to be amazing.

  13. looks like a seige weapon, your gunna need a big target like a car or a brickwall something

  14. im gonna say what i said last time but man is that thing a big mean cannon!can't wait to see the thing shoot. and remember, try not to hurt yourself this time.thanks for reading.

  15. Those guys in “Armageddon” got it all wrong. They should have built a slingshot to take out that asteroid.

  16. looking forward to the slow motion destruction

  17. With it's longer barrel, I feel it will be more consistently accurate that it's predecessors. It wouldn't be a bad idea to incorporate, if you can, some sort of micro-meter sight adjustment capability into it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised as to it's repeated accuracy.

  18. The video for this is gonna be awesome!

  19. Oooh this will be awesome to see in video. Hope to see some ballistic gelatin destruction with it.

  20. I would so love to unleash that beast on a car parked in a bike lane! I gotta admit though, I'd be crapping myself if I had to wind that crank to max draw on ten layers of bands for the first time. I think the crank winding would be more nerve-wracking than pulling the trigger. Can't wait for the video.

  21. I just have to ask.. how much did it cost you to finish this project?

  22. i cannot wait. this will be unreal.

  23. I don't really made a list of all the involved cost, but it will surely be quite high. Had to buy a few new tools, too. But it will be well worth it, as this is the ultimate "envelope pusher" for rubber based destruction machines.

    And after all, this is what I do.

  24. I'm a fairly new observer of your channel, and I keep being blown away by the variety of slingshots you make.

    Oh, and nice pouch. :D

  25. Now I'm really excited! You're truly a master of design!!

  26. Have you commissioned anyone to build part of a castle wall you can shoot at? :D

  27. possibly your greatest project yet! cant wait to see the end result!

  28. HOOAH! Sir I think you would make a fine 13B lol

  29. Slingshot Wraith, yepper, I agree because he really is too big a target to be an 11B for very long. :) Of course, he really belongs back in the labs developing new weapons and testing them.

  30. Yellow :)
    Little devil inside me says: yes, Yes, YES! :)
    Ancient Romans with their siege machines would probably like to put their hands on that canon very much ;)

    How is the pouch holding? No worries about tearing the leather ore something?

  31. You are building even more tension, you could cut it with a bowling ball. unless you are firing that out of the cannon too. This is going to be the ultimate test for the clamp on method if it hold this it is the strongest band attachment method.

  32. Hello Jörg,

    how can I win a slingshot?


  33. Puh, this thing next to me...
    I would shit my pants, at every cracking noise coming from this beast. I imagine this thing breaking in a cloud of metal- and woodpieces flying around.

    I would be happy to pull the trigger!!!

    This thing is awesome! Can not wait to see this monster shoot.

  34. awesome work, nothing else to say

  35. please o please find some explosive ammunition for us to enjoy :D :D :D :D PLEASE!

  36. that looks AWESOME!!! i cannot wait for this

  37. it's time to make a time mashine and go back to the midвle age))) that would try to be as

  38. What machine! You've finally revealed the true nature of the beast, eh?

  39. I can't wait for the video on this one

  40. Jorg,
    The suspense is killing me mate!
    I can't wait to see a slow-mo of a water mellon being hit by your monster ball.

  41. oh man that is awesome! that's not a slingshot, that's a catapult :)

  42. OMG ... Tobias Farm is in South Africa, I guess? Godd luck with this real elephant-hunter-slingshot! ;)

    I would be so glad to see a very detailed video about it shooting and the construction details... perhaps with some photos in the video, where you tell us the details?

    What filmteam, where will we see the film itself?

  43. How many joules does it already have?

  44. You Sir, are insane, but in a very good way
